About Us


We are a group of 12 employees who enjoy all things travel.

We have backgrounds in IT, hotel management, event planning, marketing, sales, computer programming, engineering etc, all with a passion surrounding travel.

Contact us for any inquires you may have.

Our Founders


Meet Alice and Kolby, but you can refer to them as their business nickname "Thelma and Louise.""

Alice, with a background in business managment, quit her corporate job for a career filled with passion for travel. Kolby has experience in hotel managment and has worked for over 10 years as a freelance travel agent. After spending a summer traveling around Italy, our founders fell in love with the culture, romanticism, and simple pleasures. You could say they started their trip with an "Eat Pray Love" inspiration, and just stayed in the "Eat" stage and haven't left Italy since.

Alice and Kolby, first started Winery Wanders as an all inclusive 20-something year old women's tour, nearly a decade ago. Since then, they as individuals as well as the company have grown to be what is now known as Winery Wanders. WW is open for all genders between the ages of 25-45 who enjoy wine, good food, getting to know others on a deeper level, and travel.

BONUS: Thelma and Louise also are certified wine connaisseurs.